ClayPaky Alpha Profile 1500 vector With Congo Lamp problem.


I have an issue with an somme profile 1500 setup as vector.

I can not control the Lamp ON and OFF with the congo.

I did add the LAMP control in the template Editor : it did add it in the beam ; 28% OFF and FL ON 

is there on option to make it work in a best way, than this?


Thanks for your help


  • the Congo Lib not contain the lamp control param.

    you can edit the template and add another param offset 39 active the snap, make 3 range inside with Idle, Lamp On and Lamp Off with the right clay paky values

    define the default value with the idle value.

    After this small change, you will can strike or douse Arc lamp with the control lamp LCD menu.

    work with the Cobalt software inside your congo and use the template Alpha Profile 1500 Vector Lamp On

    and you will have the lamp control !

