Adding channel problem

How can I add channel in all presets? Am working in congo 6.0.


  • There are many ways to "add a channel" across many Presets in one go, the best depends on why you want to do it.
    - We can give better advice if you explain the end result or type of change you're after.

    [Update] & [@Level] for a Tracked update.
    - Track forwards, backwards or both directions. Stops at a level change or Blocked sequence step.

    [Wizard] in Live opens the channel editor wizard with a lot of mass-editing functions.

    [Track] opens the tracklist spreadsheet editor for all Presets in the Sequence on Main Playback.
    - Select channels, then select many cells, # [Modify] to put typed level in the selected cells.

    [Track] & [Preset] opens the tracklist spreadsheet editor for all Presets in the show.
    - Select channels, then select many cells, # [Modify] to put typed level in the selected cells.

    [edited by: Richard at 5:49 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jun 15 2014]
  • For example: I make 10 different Presets and after that I want to add more channels in that Presets

  • Do you want to add new channels into all of the Presets you have already created? In this case, Richard's 2nd and 3rd suggestions are probably the most straightforward ways to do this. 

    His third suggestion, [Track], operates upon Presets that you have organized into a Sequence loaded onto the Main Playback, so if you have created Presets in Build mode, this is quite fast. [Track] to open the tracklist spreadsheet, # [CH] or # [GROUP] to select the channels to operate on, [Column] to select the entire Sequence, and # [@LEVEL] to put those channels into those presets at the level you wish.

    His second suggestion, [Wizard], will do the same thing for Presets whether you've put them in a Sequence yet or not, and will do the same thing for Sequence steps whether they're loaded into the Main PB or not.

    If you want different channels doing different things in different Presets, editing your existing Presets from the Preset List might serve you better. 

  • I have this:

    1 Preset - 1,2,3,4,5 channel + 150 channel (new channel)
    2 Preset - 1,2,3,4,5 channel + 150 channel  (new channel)
    100 Preset - 7,8,9,10 channel + 150 channel (new channel)


    What is the easiest way to add one channel in all Presets?

    [edited by: robi12 at 9:17 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jun 18 2014]
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