Fading between two presets on a master

Hi there, 

ive just started working at a new theatre with a congo jr. Had a few shows so far, all going well. Really liking the desk. however there is one thing I usually have setup on a fader in chamsys that I'd like to replicate on the congo. 

I usually have two faders that control the tilt, and pan fan of a group of movers (very easy quick control for busking) 

So I would record to cues (presets) to a fader (eg one up position and one down position) and set the fader up so it crossfades between the two. 


Can an some explain how I would set this up on a congo jr? I've had a little delve into the master options, but time is pretty limited on the shows, also a read thought the manual, and a search on this forum doesn't seem to give any solutions. 



  • hello

    you can put all things in masters on congo jr like a focus position or color palette or single parameter or preset and fade in and out.

    in the setup master, active the rubberband option to have behevior when you fade down your faders and choose for example return to previous state, or make a background preset and choose return to preset with this number.

    With a touch screen and the cobalt software inside you should touch and slide on your screen each items in direct select, the best option for busking !

    look at the Cobalt Demo to see what you can win with the new free software for Congo's hardware.


  • hello

    you can put all things in masters on congo jr like a focus position or color palette or single parameter or preset and fade in and out.

    in the setup master, active the rubberband option to have behevior when you fade down your faders and choose for example return to previous state, or make a background preset and choose return to preset with this number.

    With a touch screen and the cobalt software inside you should touch and slide on your screen each items in direct select, the best option for busking !

    look at the Cobalt Demo to see what you can win with the new free software for Congo's hardware.


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