Fading between two presets on a master

Hi there, 

ive just started working at a new theatre with a congo jr. Had a few shows so far, all going well. Really liking the desk. however there is one thing I usually have setup on a fader in chamsys that I'd like to replicate on the congo. 

I usually have two faders that control the tilt, and pan fan of a group of movers (very easy quick control for busking) 

So I would record to cues (presets) to a fader (eg one up position and one down position) and set the fader up so it crossfades between the two. 


Can an some explain how I would set this up on a congo jr? I've had a little delve into the master options, but time is pretty limited on the shows, also a read thought the manual, and a search on this forum doesn't seem to give any solutions. 



  • Did you know that you can put any parameter directly onto a fader?

    Hold down the Wheel Key (on Congo jr this is the dial button) and press the Master Key and the parameter currently on that wheel/dial is placed onto that fader.

    The fader then controls that parameter on all selected lights - for example, you can have a "Pan" fader and and "Tilt" fader that controls the Pan and Tilt of the currently-selected lights.

    For your "Position A/Position B" fader, record your two Presets, set one as the main content and the other as the "Return To Preset".

  • Did you know that you can put any parameter directly onto a fader?

    Hold down the Wheel Key (on Congo jr this is the dial button) and press the Master Key and the parameter currently on that wheel/dial is placed onto that fader.

    The fader then controls that parameter on all selected lights - for example, you can have a "Pan" fader and and "Tilt" fader that controls the Pan and Tilt of the currently-selected lights.

    For your "Position A/Position B" fader, record your two Presets, set one as the main content and the other as the "Return To Preset".

  • Thanks, that is loads of help. Didn't know about transferring the wheel parameters to masters, that is really useful as well! 

    i have got to say that on first looks I was a little daunted by the congo, everything seemed to be done in a different way from other desks I had used, but after a few shows, I'm really impressed with what it can do, and I realise I'm only scratching the surface at the moment. 

    Also very glad to have found this forum, the previous lighting guy is still contactable, but always good to have other experienced users to ask! 


    [edited by: StuartBallingall at 6:15 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jul 7 2014]
  • Hi Stuart,

    Once you come to use the Congo a bit more you will come to realise what an awesome desk it is. So much you can do with it.

    It's one of those desks where if you know what you want to do then try it. Such like the above example you just asked by assigning a parameter to a master. Hold the parameter and select a master. Type a preset number, hold preset and press a master, voila, preset on a master.

    There ain't much you can break on it by key presses so a lot of it for me when I started was trial and error til you go "Oh that's how that works!"

    Enjoy your Jnr tho! Great little desk!

