playing media - congo jnr

hi , i am just about to install congo jnr in my venue, was wondering if it is possible to run film clips ,slide shows from congo jnr?
  • Hi Tony -

    I'm not sure I understand your question. Are you asking if you can run the tutorial movies included in the Congo jr console on the Congo jr itself? If so, the answer is yes, but you will need either headphones or PC speakers connected to the Audio Output on the back panel in order to hear the sound.

    If your question is whether you can control slide projectors or video/film projectors directly with a Congo jr, that would only be possible if the devices you are trying to control are compatible with any of the control protocols Congo jr speaks (or you have a converter that would produce the appropriate control signal). Those protocols are DMX512, ETCNet2 EDMX, Avab IPX and ArtNet.

    Does that answer your question? If not, could you provide a few more details of what you are trying to do?



  • thankyou for your reply,

                                    was just wondering if it was possible to load a mpg clip for eg into desk and send it to external projector ?  dont need desk to control projector ,only to send it signal not sure if this is poss?


Reply Children
  • Ah, I understand now. No, Congo jr is a lighting console, not a media server.

    You might take a look at products from ArKaos, Coolux, and Green Hippo among others for different media server solutions.

    Hope that helps -


  • As someone who is considering the purchase of  Congo Jr, to work alongside Arkaos DMX would you, forum and Console users be able to assist me in the decision of what format Arkaos to use, PC or Mac?

    I'm familiar with both, but use a Mac on a day to day basis, and would favour this route, but, if anyone knows of any issues with controlling Arkaos on a Mac, from a Congo Jr, I would be most gratefull for your input.

    If it is only down to user preference I'll go with the Mac.

    Thank you for your time
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to Gwion

     The Control from Congo/Congo JR is the same.  However, I find that the video resolution and overall content fluidity is much better on a MAC than a PC.  Then again it also depends on what type of a MAC you are using i.e. MAC Mini VS MAC Pro.  

    Hope this helps...

