Unstable Congo


I've experienced some problems with two different old fullsize Congos (the ones with the backup-power). I don't have the softwareversion because I don't own the desks myself but I'm quite sure that at least one of them had the latest version installed. The problems started when the desk started to spend a lot of time thinking. Sometimes you just had to press a ch nr for the hour-glas to come up. It continued when parts of the keyboard stopped function. On one of the consoles it was the masterbuttons and on the other one it was the navigation buttons. The first one finally broke-down, I wasn't there at the moment so I don't have the details. The other one I exchanged for a Jr when I recognized the behaviour. Is this a known problem? Does anyone else experienced this?


  • Hi Anton

    Word from my locl Congo guru is that the USB connections in the machines may become detached (particularly if the unit is moved frequently)

    If you start the Congo's and the heart on the startup screen (big round avab logo'd circle with the 5 "buttons" around it) doesn't beat then you probably have a USB problem.

    Apparantly you can open the units (assuming they're not still under warranty) and check the connections out without any major technical expertise.

    Give it a go if it seems this is your problem, you can't do any harm and it might save you a penny or two.



  • Hi Anton

    Word from my locl Congo guru is that the USB connections in the machines may become detached (particularly if the unit is moved frequently)

    If you start the Congo's and the heart on the startup screen (big round avab logo'd circle with the 5 "buttons" around it) doesn't beat then you probably have a USB problem.

    Apparantly you can open the units (assuming they're not still under warranty) and check the connections out without any major technical expertise.

    Give it a go if it seems this is your problem, you can't do any harm and it might save you a penny or two.



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