Recording att. and Go in B-logic


Have experienced some strange behavior regarding "Go in B-logic" when recording a new cue.

When I recorded a new que to a position in front of a cue having a new position on the same device (on go in B), I got the content of that cue recorded...

I think there's something wrong with the order things are done in. It seems that when the que is inserted in to the sequence, the "GoninB"-content in the next que is executed before the attribute-settings are recorded.

Of course you will have some live-changing in that cue when playing it back, but that is easy to fix afterwards.

Software: 4.3.3

Setting:  "full Go in B" with Pop-up on recording



 Nils Haagenrud



  • Hi Nils,

    What you problaby are experiencing are the limitation of the GoInB logic. It's only checked/calculated when recording a new preset.

    This is changing in v5.





  • Hello Bullen!

    Yes - the Go in B checking gets wrong, and that's ok, but it would be nice not loosing the really nice picture you want to record... I'm talking about the bunch of commands that's set off when you press record. If the recording of attributes was done just before the excecution of the attributes for the next cue, everything would be be fine. Now it seems to be the other way around, and you actually record the position thats in the next cue.

    Especially when working with a designer that's not in to Congo or simmilar, the way of working may differ a bit from what's supposed to be the most efficient way.

     If the v5 solves the whole thing anyhow, then I we'll be allright... The thing is, I can't really say that I've seen this before...

    If nothing has changed in these areas lately, I guess I've been lucky so far. I've mostly used Congo doing my own programming. Then you tend to do things the way the board likes I guess.

     Thanks again!


    [edited by: Nilsh at 3:01 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 16 2008]
  • Hi Nils -

    I have also had this happen when using GoInB and if you are playing back your sequence then it's not really possible for the console to know not to do the GoInB move. In this case, when using GoInB while editing a play, I would get used to the REFRESH key in the playback area. This will return the current step back to it's proper recorded levels.

    As Bullen said, this will get much better in v5 with better onscreen indicators that a GoInB type of move has happened, and better logic called AutoMark that is calculated on the fly as you play back your show.

    The behavior of GoInB really has not changed much in all the 4.x versions, except for the addition of the recording logic that Bullen mentioned.




  • Hi Sarah!

    Hmm - I guess I'm explaining this badly...

    The problem isn't a playback but a recording issue. When you record a new preset and the board jumps to the right sequencestep according to the preset number, the attributes change before it gets stored and you loose everything. If the whole preset were recorded first - with attributes - and then the jump happens with the Go in B check, the preset would still be right even if the stage is changed according to the next cue.

    If you are confused still:

    Make a preset 10 with some scrollers at color 5. - Should then be Go in B

    Then take the same scrollers and set them to color 2 and record as preset 9.

    What I have experienced then - and I hope you are to :) - is that both presets contains Color 5, because everything that's Go in B in preset 10 is excecuted before the attributes is recorded for preset 9.

     Hope this was clearer...


  • Hi Nils -

    When you look at the attributes actually recorded in Preset 9 in the Preset Attribute editor (in the example), does it show color 2 as recorded or color 5? It sounds like you are just seeing the normal GoInB behavior on playback, but I want to make sure. :-)

    If you want the change in preset 10 to be a live move you need to change the GoInB flag to GoOnGo either for the whole step or at least for the scroller channels within the preset.... 

    Thanks -



  • Hi Nils -

    When you look at the attributes actually recorded in Preset 9 in the Preset Attribute editor (in the example), does it show color 2 as recorded or color 5? It sounds like you are just seeing the normal GoInB behavior on playback, but I want to make sure. :-)

    If you want the change in preset 10 to be a live move you need to change the GoInB flag to GoOnGo either for the whole step or at least for the scroller channels within the preset.... 

    Thanks -


