Midi Time code

I am looking for an easy/ cheap way of controlling the congo using the MTC functions. Does anyone have an idea for a cheap way of syncing a CD deck or PC with cd playback to the Congo Jr using midi cables? The cheapest CD deck i can find with that kind of functionality is around $800. My theater is predominatly a Dance venue so this function will be extremely valuable. Thank you.



  • Hi,

    If you have a USB-MIDI interface to your computer a great piece of software to have is Midi-ox. http://www.midiox.com/
    It's a nice piece of software that will show what is beeing sent or recieved on the MIDI line. The software is free for personal use. It may take a little testing to understand how it works and what it can do, but it is quite powerfull. Among other things, it can convert incoming MIDI data to something else and send it out. It can also produce MTC, but this would not be of much help for a show situation, but might be helpful for testing of sending/recieveing MTC.

    I agree with others that perhaps the the easiest and cheapest (well, who knows) way to do what you want is by using some sound software on a PC that also generates MTC when playing audio.


  • Thanks! We see it is work onMIDI-OX. But in our version Sound Forge doesn't : ( .


    TWP what version of SF You use?  On 9th it is working


    BIG THANKS! Guys

    [edited by: Michał at 5:06 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Oct 15 2008]
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