Midi Time code

I am looking for an easy/ cheap way of controlling the congo using the MTC functions. Does anyone have an idea for a cheap way of syncing a CD deck or PC with cd playback to the Congo Jr using midi cables? The cheapest CD deck i can find with that kind of functionality is around $800. My theater is predominatly a Dance venue so this function will be extremely valuable. Thank you.



  • If you have a Mac available to you, Qlab is available as an affordable full audio playback and show control solution.  With the additon of a $99 USB - MIDI adapter from somewhere like Guitar Center, you've got a show control computer.  I and my colleague have been using this solution for several years now and find it very versatile and perfect for the dance companies we have worked with.  Qlab + Mac Mini + USB-Midi

    [edited by: dmclaughlin at 10:33 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 16 2008]
  • If you have a Mac available to you, Qlab is available as an affordable full audio playback and show control solution.  With the additon of a $99 USB - MIDI adapter from somewhere like Guitar Center, you've got a show control computer.  I and my colleague have been using this solution for several years now and find it very versatile and perfect for the dance companies we have worked with.  Qlab + Mac Mini + USB-Midi

    [edited by: dmclaughlin at 10:33 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Oct 16 2008]
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