Clearing / "un-touching" Parameters

Hi all,

I'll apologise for my ignorance first but this is really driving me nuts.

I often have to build presets out of sequence and on the hoof and there's one thing giving me major grief.

There must be a straightforward way to easily get rid of Parameter information for a lamp.

For example, I'm building a look and I fire up some LED fixtures to a nice mauve colour then decide that I don't want them in this preset. I can't seem to get rid of the pesky things. -sure I can ride all the colour channels to zero, but that isn't the same (and there's still a change flag on the colour parameter). 

'Refresh' does nothing as there is no previous recorded state.

and 'c-alt'+'Ch/ID' will get rid of intensities but not parameters !

I'm searching for that 'Knockout' or 'untouch' funtion in hog-speak which will get rid of some or all of the parameters of the lamps which I've mistakenly altered.

It's gotta be there somewhere, hasn't it ?

-on a slightly related note, does anyone know if it's possible to exit the show (having made a right mess of it) without saving ?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Confused from Glasgow !

  • Hi Richard -

    Select the channel(s) you want to affect and use the C/ALT key and the FOCUS/COLOR/BEAM keys to clear the "changed" flag (the purple cell) for entire categories, or C/ALT and the wheel keys to clear changed for specific parameters, or use the softkeys under "Devices" for "Set Changed" and "Clear Changed" to toggle the state of attributes without having to touch the encoders.

    I hope this helps -



  • Hi Richard -

    Select the channel(s) you want to affect and use the C/ALT key and the FOCUS/COLOR/BEAM keys to clear the "changed" flag (the purple cell) for entire categories, or C/ALT and the wheel keys to clear changed for specific parameters, or use the softkeys under "Devices" for "Set Changed" and "Clear Changed" to toggle the state of attributes without having to touch the encoders.

    I hope this helps -



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