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Congo supports Elo brand touch screen monitors with v5 software

Yes, it's official, Congo is now officially supporting Elo brand touch screens with the release of Congo v5 software. Only Elo brand touch screens have been tested by ETC for compatibility with Congo products – specifically the Elo model 1928L (E874209) 19” Touch Screen Monitor. ETC makes no guarantees and does not recommend installation of any other third-party software onto any Congo product.

New consoles will soon be shipping with both Congo v5 software and Elo touch screen drivers pre-installed. If you would like to add Elo touch screen monitors to an existing Congo system you will need to download and install the drivers manually. The drivers will allow you to calibrate the touch screen portion of the monitor and this calibration tool can be accessed directly from the Congo system settings once installed.

The drivers and installation instructions are packaged together and can be downloaded here. They can be loaded onto Congo and Congo jr consoles and Congo Light Servers that have been updated to v5 software.


Thanks -


[edited by: sclausen at 9:43 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Sep 3 2009]