I'm not sure ETC would want this to be public information .. but I just got to ...
I've been involved in the lighting industry for 30+ years .. when I was involved w/ a sales / rental / repair shop I dealt with most the major players.
I became hooked on ETC when they developed the PARNel and the S4. The Congo has been my first experiance w/ an ETC control / dimmer system.
it goes without saying that ETC is synonymous with quality .. but in this industry with the products ETC offers the other half of the equation is service.
Our new lighting system is ETC from the top down save a handful of fixtures .. and we received one of the very 1st Congo's sold in the states.
Our installation presented some challanges to ETC ..
Our Net2 installation didn't agree w/ some of our fixtures ... ETC ate the cost of fixing it, went so far as to have the fixtures shipped to their office for testing and evaluation. When their solution changed the config we intended for our system, they sublemented with additional components at no additional charge to us.
When they discovered that the installation crew had not performed 100% .. they sent out additional folks to make it so .. here again didn't cost us a penny.
Our Congo has manifested some peculiar behaviours .. Sarah and ETC tech support has made every effort to address our issues and has resolved them 99.9% of the time. Today I got a call .. because of that .1% ETC has elected to replace our console.
We're not a large customer, our system is quite small by standards .. the odd's of us making another major purchase from ETC is not likely in the next 10yrs .. there is no underlying reason why ETC should bend over backwards to please us.
It just seems to be the way they do business ... BRAVO ETC !!!!