I would agree with J.R. Using the Random Dynamic (#28) is much easier than using a chase.
Select your channels, [2][8] [DYN EFFECT] will start the random effect. You can then modify the effect in the Live Dynamic Effects tab or via the Soft keys.
Hi all -
This "Expression-style" effect will be coming in a future version of Congo. At the moment, since it is a random effect, there's no way to know how it played back in the Expression (since it would be different every time) so there is no way to get exactly the same look in the Congo without some serious "specifically random" programming.
Anne, I would suggest talking to the road guy to see if you can get a sense of what the effect is intended to do, then offer up a few suggested alternatives. You can get a randomized channel order into the chase wizard by selecting the grouping of channels first, then using the # RANDOM & SELECT Nth function to randomize the selection within the wizard (just make sure to use 1 as the #). Once you make the initial chase sequence, you can copy and paste steps to introduce more randomness into the chase, if needed. If the effect doesn't run for long periods, you won't need too many steps to get a noticeably non-repeating effect. You could also use the chase wizard a few times to generate different random steps, then combine those presets into an über-chase.
I would also offer up a random dynamic version, just in case. This will give you the most randomized look on stage, but without knowing what kind of random effect they are looking for, it's hard to know if this is the best for this purpose.
Please let me know if you need more suggestions...
Thanks -