v5 Effects package

I've come across a couple of questions/requests while exploring the new effects package. 

When building a channel set is it possible to eliminate the empty step?  I was building a fly-out>zoom>fade out>repeat effect on a couple of revolutions and found that when I offset them into two groups there was a delay between the end of the second group and the restart of the effect.  I think this is because of the empty step in the channel set.

In the Live Effects tab there is no option to adjust the form on dynamic effects.  I found this pretty useful for making adjustments to circles and such to get a more round or elliptical shape.  Was it just overlooked or left out for a reason?  Is there another way to get a similar adjustment?  The fade type selection is also missing but this isn't really necessary anymore because you can actually fade either size or rate as part of the preset.

Something that took me a while to find and might be helpful to others is the marked changed command for effects.  You can mark individual effect parameters as changed the same way you do for fixture parameters.  Hold down the mark changed soft key (Devices>Mark Changed) and tap the soft keys for the parameters you want to mark changed.  You can also use U1>U3 to mark groups of parameters. (U1>U3 is also how you get to the soft-keys for an effect you have selected.)  It would be nice to have a mark changed soft key under the effects set of soft-keys.  Maybe for now I'll put it on one of the masters since we can now do that. :)

I'm sure I'll be back often as I keep poking around in the new software.

  • Effect Playback-Tab:

    Inserting a new playback:

    In my eyes, it would be comfortable to give a text (a name) for the new playback directly in this window.

    (It works similar when recording presets  => Record Preset Window)

    And if I' am creating (in this "Inserting-Playback-Process") a Chase-Playback directly with the selected Channels, the new builded chase could be named automatically with the same name...

    (I don't like if the desk is generating unnamed things in the background...!)

    [edited by: Daniel Tschanz at 10:29 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, May 18 2008]
  • Effect Playback-Tab:

    Inserting a new playback:

    In my eyes, it would be comfortable to give a text (a name) for the new playback directly in this window.

    (It works similar when recording presets  => Record Preset Window)

    And if I' am creating (in this "Inserting-Playback-Process") a Chase-Playback directly with the selected Channels, the new builded chase could be named automatically with the same name...

    (I don't like if the desk is generating unnamed things in the background...!)

    [edited by: Daniel Tschanz at 10:29 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, May 18 2008]
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