I have some questions about Congo consoles with the Version 5.
- When I went to show the innovations of this version to a friend I open a new play and after used Import Template Wizard for ETC Revolution and Superscan ClayPaky. Also used the "Import from" for the scroller that I'm using with Revolution. After I used the "Patch Wizard" to patch all the moving lights. My surprise was that I didn't get to work with the moving lights because although they are in Templates and the amount of attributes that each model uses when I open those attributes tab doesn't appear anything. I solved the problem by open the play that I'm doing at this moment and that was recorded with the Beta version 5 and used the "Delete Wizard". When I tried to open a new play in the editor offline everything appears normal. Will it be the problem of the Congo console?? or of the software version 5?? I've got that new play on my pen but I can't insert the file here
- I use the Notes editor a lot and later when I no longer need them I delete the ones that are to much. What is happen is that there is one Note that I can't delete and I no longer need it. I delete other but that one that I don't need is there always. I don't understand why.
- Print is very strange but it is not of this version. When I make a print normally only use the type Sequence & Preset but later when I will open it to print I find very strange to have in the attributes the same channel several times but with their whole attributes. This for one side is very bad because besides not being very easy of watch where it ends a channel and it begins the other, it fills a lot of space in the paper. For instance this last play that I did when printing me would spend 134 pages and I think I don't need so much. Why not arrange one more print type that is called "Used Attributes" for instance??
Also I use the Alert time and when it appears in the print cames like Wait that is very bad because it shuffles the times when have some wait times. Instead of appear as wait why doesn't appear as Alert?? or then if it doesn't is a wait time then it is not printed.
- This was my mistake but strange. After being some time to correct the light program and as I was with hurry to leave I tried to save the play with all of the corrections, but I clicked too fast 2 times in "Save" and in the 3 monitors appear the Congo logo. I noticed my mistake soon cause I didn't wait that appeared the box askingif I want to save over the last play. What is strange is that after reboot the console it appeared the box to asking if I want to use the recovery file and logical I click saying that yes but what appeared was an empty play with the same name that I'm using. I open the file "* *.001" and later redo the whole alterations. I know that was me that committed the mistake but it is strange to ask if I want to use the recovery file and later it doesn't have anything there, no presets, no sequence, no groups.
- When I use in the Editor offline "Console mimic" (one of the best things of this version) how I choose in Direct Selects the Type that I want to use?? I'm asking cause we have to press in 2 keys in simultaneous and if in the console there is no problem, in the computer it is difficult to do that but should it have some trick no? Will you can say how?
- Now it's a request. If in LCD's of the Congo console the color can be inverted, dark background and white letters, it is not possible to do the same in central LCD??
I'm sorry for this big post, but I joinning these things and post everything at the same time.
Pedro Alves