Chases + Strand files

I have managed to create a chase (rather than a sequence) very easily with all the channels and steps that I wanted but don't seem to be able to actually load it onto a master to play it back, any ideas?

Also I tried to load a strand file converted to .asc format by showport and the screens froze showing the grey "Congo" page was this a fault on the file or is this a new problem.

Last small complaint! Whenever I start a new play the "allow remote" controls in play settings is unchecked, very frustrating when you have made your way down to the stage just to have to retrace your steps!

I have installed version 5

  • Hi there -

    1) Do you mean using the new chase effect? Simply select the effect playback you are using to run the chase, set it to the desired intensity level, then record that into a preset on the master. Effect playbacks can be directly assigned to Masters, but they work just the same as asigning a channel to a master - you get intensity of the effect playback on the master handle and bump button, and a select key using the master key, but any attributes of the effect play by the LTP rules. Just like a moving light can be set to "stage left" in one preset and "stage right" in another preset, the effect playback can have completely different settings at any time...

    2) Can you send us the Strand file and the converted .asc file from ShowPort? We can take a look. Please send it to me at sclausen "at" etcconnect "dot" com.

    3) You can create a default set of startup data in v5. Simply get the console set up the way you like, then use the Default Show Data Wizard (Browser>Files). In the wizard, select all the things you want to have loaded any time you make a new play. :-)

    I hope this helps -

    Thanks -


  • Yes I do mean the new chase effect, I will try what you suggested.

    I am e-mailing you the files for you to look at now.

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