Turn off 'Record all attributes' by default

HI There,

 Just wondering where I can set the global default for 'Record all attributes' to off or, 'record only changed'.

I've tried all of the options in setup for this (Automatic, Manual, All, Popup) but whatever I select here, when I record a preset and look at the 'advanced' tab, the 'Record all Attributes' bix is checked.

The only thing I can think of is that I've got 'Build Sequence' turned 'off' and the desk thinks that each preset I record is the first step in a new sequence ? (and turning 'Build Sequence' 'on' is not a route I want to go down !)

Having to uncheck the box every time I record a preset would be a real pain !

 Thanks for your help


  • I can see why this happens. If you have an empty sequence loaded in the main playback and the Build Sequence option turned off, this will be the case since you are always creating the first preset in the sequence, just like you suggested.

    There are two workarounds to this:

    - Record a dummy preset in the sequence. As long as there is one preset recorded in the sequence, this flag will never be set.

    - Unload the empty sequence from the main playback (0 SEQ & PLAYBACK).


  • Hi Anders,

     Thanks for that, that will work just fine for me. (after locating the 'Playback' button and using it instead of using 'A' and 'B' !)

    One other slightly related query, is it possible to have the A nd B playbacks just flip between two presets rather than having to build a long sequence ? (such that cutting from A to B loads the preset that was in A back into B and so on)

    If I build a sequence with 2 steps, the desk seems to add a blank step after the last step rather than flip-flopping between the two ?

    I know I can stop the playback from advancing but that only seems to give me the one fixed preset.



  • Hi Richard,

    If you go to the Sequence list and find the column "Link to step", focus the second step of your two step sequence and enter 1 as the Link to step value. That will make your sequence go from step 2 to step 1, without going thru the blank step.
    Remember that Link to step links to the step number, not the preset number.


  • Hi Oskar,

     Thanks for that -I'll go and try that now.




  • If you activate the "Don't advance playback" setting, you should be able to fade between the A and B content. However, this only works on the manual crossfaders. If you use GO, you will still be able to move to the next step.

