V5 Effects Engine


Is there a quick guide to using the new effects engine anywhere? I ask because when I came to program a simple intensity chase last week in the middle of our tech I was at a complete loss with the new engine and had to resort so simply using flash buttons as there was no time to learn.

I suspect that I could pick it up if I played for long enough but a quick guide would be fantastic.


  • These (and the other new effects) are described in the help system.

    Press [?] to open the help system. Wait for the help tab to open.

    Press [TEXT]  and then type "Chase Effects" into the search box, then press MODIFY.

    Click on the link to Chase Effects in the results tab to jump right to that page. Scroll down for the basics of creating an intensity chase. For more information on the options for a chase effect, search on "Chase Effect Parameters".

    To make your chase more specific, you can edit the individual steps by pressing MODIFY on the Steps cell in the Chase list.

    You can make multiple chase objects (the channels in steps part) and play those back on Chase Effect Playbacks. Once a Chase Effect Playback has been inserted, it has the potential to play any chase object (just like a scroller channel, for example, has the potential to "play back" any scroller frame). If you record the playback and its chase assignment into a preset, you can use that same playback to trigger a different chase later on - the original preset will still have the data you recorded there. If you need to play back more than one chase object simultaneously, you will need to have multiple chase playbacks inserted in the play. Make sense?


    Thanks -



  • These (and the other new effects) are described in the help system.

    Press [?] to open the help system. Wait for the help tab to open.

    Press [TEXT]  and then type "Chase Effects" into the search box, then press MODIFY.

    Click on the link to Chase Effects in the results tab to jump right to that page. Scroll down for the basics of creating an intensity chase. For more information on the options for a chase effect, search on "Chase Effect Parameters".

    To make your chase more specific, you can edit the individual steps by pressing MODIFY on the Steps cell in the Chase list.

    You can make multiple chase objects (the channels in steps part) and play those back on Chase Effect Playbacks. Once a Chase Effect Playback has been inserted, it has the potential to play any chase object (just like a scroller channel, for example, has the potential to "play back" any scroller frame). If you record the playback and its chase assignment into a preset, you can use that same playback to trigger a different chase later on - the original preset will still have the data you recorded there. If you need to play back more than one chase object simultaneously, you will need to have multiple chase playbacks inserted in the play. Make sense?


    Thanks -



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