Preset with Zero Intensity

How to record preset which contain 0 value of intensity.

I would like to use this preset after some random manual operations on fixtures in order to set start attribute values (position, gobo, focus, ...) and set the intensity of fixtures to ZERO (turn off any existing intensities). The next preset will start the show and have some intensities and so on.

How to do it?


  • The first preset in a sequence records all attributes by default. If you want to record all Attributes, hit record, go to the Advanced tab and tick the box [record all attributes] or you can change the record Attributes mode to [all].


    I hope that helps....


  • OK, I tried.

    In the sequence it works perfect. I recorded:

    Prs  Intensity
    1    50%
    2    0%
    3    30%
    4    0%
    5    70%

    Works fine. Presets 2 and 4 gives zero intensity on the stage.


    I want to have a clear button (master) or eventually fader that clears my device (moving head). Clear I mean HOME + zero intensity. This for the need if I am playing with fixture manually doing different things and then I would like to reset it. I understand that I can record preset with HOME attributes and then move the dimmer scroll down. But I would like to have it under the button. Please suggest how to do this.

    On some consoles there is "Clear" button that does home + clear intensity. So I can do it in:
     - two steps: select group, press clear
     - one step: select preset with homed attributes recorded and zero intensities

    How to do it on Congo with one button press (one step or if necessary with more)?


  • Using a selection: 

    • [CLR] & [@Level] sends selected channels to 0% intensity.
    • [Home], [Home] sends selected channels to their Home positions.

    Ignoring selection (affect all channels): 

    • [CLR] & [Home] sends all channels to their home positions.
    • [CLR] & [Home] [Home] sends all channels to 0%, at home positions (keep Clear held down)


  • Hi Adam -

    Richard's suggestions may be the only way to do this. Congo treats all intensity as Highest-takes-precedence - which means you cannot have one playback take other playbacks' intensity contents to zero (or less than the highest level coming from any playback).



  • Hi all,

    can't a macro be able to do this? 

    selection then Macro (0 @level then home home)

    haven't tried it but maybe it works...
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