Recorded subs not clearing

hi, i was wondering if someone could help. I'm on congo v5 software running a senior and my problem is this,  After capturing a number of channels and recording them to a sub i find i can no longer control the channels ie release them or change intensity the only way i can regain control is to restart the show.  I'm running in AT mode. This is a random issue rather than a constant one. Another issue i have is the fact that i can no longer add dynamic effects to my direct selects is this going to remain this way?  I found this a really quick and easy way to setup shows now my show files contain gel setups rather than the dynamics.





[edited by: Ryote at 5:08 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jun 02 2008]
  • Hi there -

    Regarding the Dynamics on the Direct Selects, this has been changed because the new v5 Effects are much better for this type of thing. I suggest taking a look at the new way to do Dynamics - I think you'll find it has many advantages.

    Regarding the placement of channels onto Masters - are you setting levels, selecting channels and then typing RECORD & MASTER KEY or are you using another method? If you select those channels, what appears in the selection boxes in the upper right corner? Is it "AB"? It's possible that you have the levels still in the A fader, which would keep the Master from being able to control those levels due to the highest-takes-precedence logic of the console. If this doesn't solve it, please provide some more details of how you get into this situation and we'll look into it.

    Thanks -


  • Hi there -

    Regarding the Dynamics on the Direct Selects, this has been changed because the new v5 Effects are much better for this type of thing. I suggest taking a look at the new way to do Dynamics - I think you'll find it has many advantages.

    Regarding the placement of channels onto Masters - are you setting levels, selecting channels and then typing RECORD & MASTER KEY or are you using another method? If you select those channels, what appears in the selection boxes in the upper right corner? Is it "AB"? It's possible that you have the levels still in the A fader, which would keep the Master from being able to control those levels due to the highest-takes-precedence logic of the console. If this doesn't solve it, please provide some more details of how you get into this situation and we'll look into it.

    Thanks -

