effects V5


im just finding the time to sit down and look at V5.

Im loving the package but just have 2 questions.

1) when putting the gel picker in direct selects, it comes up with the types of colour makes, how do i get colour choice? eg. select  LEE and then 201?


2) if i have a n effect in a preset.. can i put a channel time to it so it goes at a different time or delays a while? if not how can i do this? is there a time part to the effect i can modify?





Northern Stage



  • Hi Claire,

    1) Try 201 and then press LEE.

    2) It should be possible to set times/delays to Effect Playback parameters. If you just need the intensity of the effect playback to use discreet timing, you can use Channel times, like you would for a normal device. You can also set times to the individual effect parameters, for example in the Preset Attribute Editor. Hold FORMAT and press DownArrow to open the timing fields.

    Hope that helps,


  • Hi Claire,

    1) Try 201 and then press LEE.

    2) It should be possible to set times/delays to Effect Playback parameters. If you just need the intensity of the effect playback to use discreet timing, you can use Channel times, like you would for a normal device. You can also set times to the individual effect parameters, for example in the Preset Attribute Editor. Hold FORMAT and press DownArrow to open the timing fields.

    Hope that helps,


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