V5 Effects...Chase feature request

Hi Sarah, Anders, et al,

I am wrapping my poor brain around the new effects package in V5.  I feel that I am making head way with understanding and using effects.  I think that the manual could use some work on clarifying the effects, but right now I can't begin to think how to make it clearer.  I have a feeling that when I go back and read it now that I know more of how effects work, it will be clearer.

Sarah, thank you for the chase tutorial!  It did cause the light bulb to go off somewhere in the deep recesses of my cranium. 

For those that might be reading this that haven't played with the effects playbacks yet, forget everything that you know about building effects on other consoles.  You must unlearn.  The Effect Playback is not the effect.  The Effect Playback is just the control "channel".  The effects are attributes of that control.  So, one chase Effect Playback can control ONLY one chase effect at a given time, but it can be used to control a different chase effect at another time.

Now for the feature requests:

On a chase effect, add a rate control to the attribute wheels, and allow the user to Tap sync the rate.  Yes, I know I can still do this with a sequence in chase mode on a master, but I want to do it for a chase effect playback, too.

Allow an Effect Playback to be loaded to directly to a master to control intensity instead of recording a preset.  The speed with which I can load content to the masters is crucial when I am busking a show.

Ohh, by the way, I love the Congo!  My crew just laughs at me when I say it. 

Played with the EOS.  Nice console.  Needs some features (a "fan" button comes to mind).

But, I prefer Congo.

Take care,


  • Hi John -

    I'm glad you're having fun with Congo!

    With respect to your requests:

    1) Yes, we think this is the only parameter we "forgot" to add when we built the new chase effect. Rest assured it will come in a future release. In the mean time, you might attempt to build a content effect for your intensity chases... ;-)

    2) You already can - it's just a bit strange to do so at the moment. This will also be fixed in a future release. For now, select your effect playback, [#] [Effect] then use [CH] & {MASTER KEY] to assign that playback to a master just as you would a device channel - meaning the fader and flash key will control intensity and the Master Key can be used to select that playback. No other parameters of the playback will be on that master.

    I'll be writing a couple more tutorials for the other two types of effect soon. It's been a busy week. :-)




  • Sarah,

    I've been trying to load an effect on the master key since it came out!  Thanks, this will help alot!

    J. R.
