Congo users poll- not official

Hi Folks,

So, of the Congo users out there, I have a few questions:

1.)  Are you using a Congo...exclusively, often, 50% of the time, infrequently?

2.)  Are you using RPN for everything or do you use "at mode"?

3.)  Do you find the console software logical?  ie. If you aren't sure of a console operation, can you intuit the keystrokes based on other console operations?

4.)  For those using other consoles, do you find shifting in to and out of RPN difficult?

5.)  For those using other consoles, do you find yourself wishing you were working on a Congo?

Take care,


  • Hi Folks,

    So, of the Congo users out there, I have a few questions:

    1.)  Are you using a Congo...exclusively, often, 50% of the time, infrequently?

    When I'm not doing sound, rigging, or staging, it's now 90% Congo 10% Strand 300

    2.)  Are you using RPN for everything or do you use "at mode"?

    I made the concious choice to learn RPN ( aka, Congo language) in order to change the way I program to suit the desk. There were far too many differences to the Strand to carry on using @mode and expect the Congo to operate the same way. I found it lead to frustration, so went to RPN.

    3.)  Do you find the console software logical?  ie. If you aren't sure of a console operation, can you intuit the keystrokes based on other console operations?

    Yes & No, I still have to refer to the manual for updating times in cues or end up going to Spreadsheet view. I can't do Cue 50 Time 5/12* and change the up & down times in one line or add follow ons or waits.
    Other things dont seem to be consistent, but are slowly becoming 'I just do it this way anyway'.

    4.)  For those using other consoles, do you find shifting in to and out of RPN difficult?

    Not now that I've had plenty of time with the Congo, I can still make the Strand sing & dance :-)

    5.)  For those using other consoles, do you find yourself wishing you were working on a Congo?

    I love the Strand purely as it's command line is faster, seems more logicaly consistent & more well known, BUT there is so much more that I can do on the Congo now that it's very hard to go back to the Strand 300.


  • Hi guys -

    I've been trying to stay out of this thread because it's John's poll (and I find the answers quite interesting - keep them coming!)

    But, with reference to Ric's post I just wanted to add a tip here - modifying times on existing steps of a sequence: to use Ric's command line example above the Congo equivalent is [50] [MODIFY]&[TIME]. This will open a dialog that contains all the timing information of that step including the Preset attribute times and buttons that will get you directly into the attribute editor for times on individual parameters and another  button that will take you directly to the Channel Time Groups editor for that step. I think this will make your editing go a little easier.

    Hope that helps!


  • Thanks for the tip Sarah!
    I'll give that a try later on today.
    ... and in case it sounded like I was unhappy, I chose the Congo as the upgrade for the Strand for our Theatre, after looking at alternative desks including the new Strand models. I am still very happy with my choice :-)
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