updating to V5 problem


Although this is my third upgrade, I can't get my Congo to recognise that the flashdrive has V5 in it.

The software update option in Settings is grey and can't be used.

The file I'm getting when I unzip the download is called Congo setup.exe not the expected Congo500.exe

I'm renaming it Congo.exe and putting it on my flashdrive in a folder named SOFTWARE.

I have downloaded the software twice thinking I might have a glitch in the first download but still no joy.

Really looking forward to having a play with V5 any suggestions please?



  • Hi Chris,

    I had a similar problem.  I was using the rename function in Windows XP to rename the file to Congo.exe

    What was happening was that because it was already and .exe file extension, Windows was naming the file Congo.exe.exe

    Therefore, the upgrade wasn't recognized.  If you are using windows, just rename the file to Congo

    Hope that helps,


  • Hi Chris,

    I had a similar problem.  I was using the rename function in Windows XP to rename the file to Congo.exe

    What was happening was that because it was already and .exe file extension, Windows was naming the file Congo.exe.exe

    Therefore, the upgrade wasn't recognized.  If you are using windows, just rename the file to Congo

    Hope that helps,

