Net3 Gateway not showing up on the network

Let me start by saying, I will call Tech Support to get help.  It wasn't critical, so I didn't want to take the time tonight.

The ACN/Net3 4 port DMX Gateway is not being found on the network.  I haven't checked to see if I have the latest build of V5, so I am wondering if this might be related to Sarah's post about early adopters and a weird ACN problem.

The setup is Congo - Xover cat5 cable - Gateway.

In setup on the protocol tab, the ACN is checked as is Streaming ACN.  ETCNet2 is also checked. 

On the network tab, Network Adapter shows Online.  I get no response when I try to click the network box.

In the browser, the Net3 node doesn't show any Net3 devices attached.  The only node listed is the Congo.

Am I missing something simple?  I didn't have another network cable to check if there was a bad cable.  The green network activity light flickered.  If I disconnected the cable the Network Adapter showed Offline.

It has been a number of months since we last used the Gateway with V4 software.  Is there a possible update to the Gateway that I need to do?  I am pretty sure that it is running a v4 software.

Thanks for the help!

And, yes, I will be calling Tech Support.  I have their number.  I know who they are.

Be seeing you!


  • Hi John -

    Tech support is the way to go unless by some miracle what I tell you is up-to-date information. :-)

    It is probable that your Net3 Gateway only "speaks" (or rather listens to) Net2 Protocols. In which case, having ACN and Straming ACN switched on don't do much for your system (unless you have other Net3/ACN gear online). Right now, to my knowledge only the Net3 I/O Gateway speaks ACN and is compatible with Congo. So, the Net2 protocol is probably the only thing you need to have switched on. 

    DMX Gateways won't appear in any list on the Congo itself when speaking Net2. They only recieve information from Congo. Did this setup work before with just the crossover cable? Has the IP address of the console or gateway changed? Are you sure the gateway isn't working or are you thinking it's not working because it doesn't appear "online" within the Congo app?


    Thanks -



  • Howdy John,

    Net3 4port DMX Nodes have recently started shipping with sACN (Net3) functionality.

    The nodes have 2x possible protocols which you can switch between by pressing the button on

    the node facepanel when this "Switch to ACN" or "Switch to Net2" is displayed to toggle between the two protocols.


    If you try to switch to ACN on your Node, and it says no File found, then your's just missed that

    firmware update. If so - we can help you get your node updated with the current firmware.

    Once you have the ACN protocol active you can then communicate via that protocol from your congo

    to the Node also.


    Have you been able to figure out why your node was not working now?  

  • Hi Corey,

    I played with it and got it working.  I am not sure where the problem existed.  It is possible that I had a bad cable.

    I will pursue getting the ACN gateway updated.  I am sure it doesn't have the file.  This gateway is 18 months old.

    I will give Dave Fox a jingle and work out the update.


