Re: Need help to decide to buy Congo Jr.

Hi all,

I chance upon this forum and am seriously interested to consider buying a Congo Jr. But I would like to find out more about this console. I am working in an arts school theatre and at the moment we are using a Strand 300 series board. We're planning to upgrade to a better board that can support both threatrical lights as well moving lights. How reliable is this Congo Jr.?

I would like to ask those users of Congo Jr. for their opinion about this board. I am looking for something which is user friendly as well as not so difficult to program the lights. I see the Congo Jr as fitting my requirements.

I also need some sub-faders where I can record cues, FX, channels etc into them. This would be important as some students prefer to run simple show with just the faders. Can the Master wing perform this task? Is the show files interchangeable with my present Strand board if I intend to use the Congo Jr. as my main console. My intention is to use the Strand 300 as a back-up board. Actually, I would like to have a hands-on demo but the local distributor for ETC which is Desisti is unable to obtain one and demo us. I wonder if a demo set can be made available for the local distributor to showcase and market it to all the clients here. BTW, I am from Singapore.

I would be grateful to all your effort in replying to my queries

Thank you 

  • Masters can have any recordable content put onto them - if you can record it, it can go there!
    You can also put parameters there if you want to have a fader for them.

    The import of Strand files is done via Strand Showport - export the show as an ALQ, and then Congo can read it.
    Note that macros and certain moving light functions don't come through - you'll get most of the show but not necessarily 100%, so treat it as a starting point.

    Congo shows themselves are USITT ASCII based, so Showport should be able to import them and convert back to Strand - however I do not know how well it handles them, as Congo is obviously much newer than Showport!

  • Masters can have any recordable content put onto them - if you can record it, it can go there!
    You can also put parameters there if you want to have a fader for them.

    The import of Strand files is done via Strand Showport - export the show as an ALQ, and then Congo can read it.
    Note that macros and certain moving light functions don't come through - you'll get most of the show but not necessarily 100%, so treat it as a starting point.

    Congo shows themselves are USITT ASCII based, so Showport should be able to import them and convert back to Strand - however I do not know how well it handles them, as Congo is obviously much newer than Showport!

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