Congo V5 issues

Hi I have a couple of points about the new Version 5 software.

  • Why has the option of Dynamics been removed from the user selects? Gel choices have been put there instead. There is still a spare space for Dynamics to be added.
  • When opening a sequence list, master page list or any other list on screen one with browser and Main Playback open, the list just appears as a row of white boxes where the info should be. If I close the browser then it all appears ok. It would seem that the list cannot display itself correctly in the space provided.
  • Some of the pages that open have brackets ")" instead of a decimal point "."

On the plus side the "DELETE WIZARD" is worth the upgrade by itself! No longer having to sit and delete presets individually is fantastic!! Keep up the good work.

  • Hi,

    Here's hopefully some answers.

    1.  The Dynamics were removed from the Direct selects because the way of controlling effects changed in v5. The new Effect playbacks make it faster to work with Dynamic effects as you can, among other things, prepare the effect a little before you run it. Please have a look at the following threads: 
      Congo v5 Effects package in a nutshell
      If you want to access the Dynamic templates (or other parameters with ranges) of the new Effect playbacks from the Direct selects, you can hold down the wheelkey for DynTemplate and it will temporarily show you the first 40 Dynamic Tables. You can also define a Direct selects back to be Parameter and then tap the wheelkey of the DynTemplate parameter to show the Dynamic templates there.

    2. This is a graphics related issue on the Congo (not CongoJr) that we are aware of and are looking in to. Is your Browser really wide when you open these new tabs or do you use vertically split tabs on screen 1? These seem to make this graphics issue apear more frequently.

    3. Do you mean in the title of the tab? Or somewhere else? Can you give an example of where this can be seen?




  • Hey, could you post a screenshot of the second one? I'm haveing some trouble recreateing it.



  • The display issues have been solved by swapping the monitors over from 1 to 2 and vice versa so this must have been a display glitch.