Congo JR and VELLEMAN VDP250SC6 Scanner

Hello everyone,

I'm a light technician in a theatre in Portugal using a Congo JR.

We are planning to buy 4 scaners VDP250SC6 of VELLEMAN ( ) ..

 Will this kind of Scaners work fine with Congo ? We would like to buy moving heads, but they are way too expensive to buy them right now.

How can i configure this scaners on Congo ? They are not listed in the wizards of V5 .. :(


Thanks for the replies..

Best Regards,

Rui Jácome

  • Congo fully complies to the ESTA USITT DMX512-A standard, so if the fixtures comply they'll work.

    There are also options in the v5 System Settings to slow down the DMX output which sometimes helps when they are used with fixtures that don't fully comply with the standard.

    This fixture isn't in the default libraries for the Congo, but you can easily create a Template yourself to control them.

    Just set the attributes in the template as per the user manual for the fixture - if you have a look at some of the other Templates you can get the idea as to how they work.

  • Hi Richard,

     Thank you for the reply.

     Altough we are going to chose some HQ Power Galaxy 250 for our project. I've got another question.

    We have 2 old Strand Lightning racks (digital) where all our fixed lights are connected. For the Moving heads will we connect the DMX cable into the other DMX out on the back of the Congo JR ? Will the correct connections be DMX Out1 to the Strand Lightning Rack and DMX Out2 to the moving heads ?

    thank you.
