Congo on a Outdoor Concert Feedback.

H all,

Ive just come back from doing a outdoor concert in stoke with the congo and 40 movers... This looked ace due to the Congo Thanks ETC.

The new effects engine is awesome (great work) and made busking much easier.

A few thing I noticed:

  • When doing a effect with 4 colour and position pallets the desk seem took ages to edit once I pressed 8 effect the U2 to change this !!!!!! It took so long around 40 mins (couldn't do a thing on the desk) I had to switch the desk off by pressing the power button on the back. I know I shouldn't but this was the only way I could power down :( On return the desk went back to my last saved data which by my mistake was a few hours ago, so I had to re do all my other pallets again. Note to self SAVE SAVE SAVE !!!!!
  • I had my pars on page 1 master subs 1-6 when I flashed these some times the sub locked up and I couldn't clear that sub and couldn't even wheel the channel number down, the only way to clear the channels was to clear the sub and re load it after around 5 mins.....If I did this before that time the info was still locked up at the same level.
  • Is there any way to make the LCD screen's brighter in the day, very difficult to read my info before dusk. Thank god for white LX and a sharpie
  • Is there a problem you know of with Robe 1200 spots in Mode 3 as the weren't doing the right thing with the Robe template and my own I made up from the website. This template worked fine on other desk's. Put these into mode 1 and all fine.

Just a few pointers to see if you can help me. Apart from these the desk was ace and it just shows that its not just a theatre sack desk as I normally use it it can do rock concert as well :)

Thanking you ETC team


  • Hi Carl,

    When the desk didn't respond, did you have the hourglass visible on the top of th screen?

    Was the console completely locked up (including mouse, keyboard etc.)?

    I haven't heard about the subs locking up in any way. There might be a problem with your specific console. You might want to contact technical service directly.

  • Hi anders,

    When the effects locked up yes the hour glass was spinning around like the system was busy nothing worked, but when the subs locked up I could do everything as normal !!

    Hi John,

    I did have the LCD on reverse but when the sun is beaming down the screen's are still defficult to see. Can we clean these as they are dirty or looks like there steamed up (think from the inside, no water has been on the desk)

    Good to see you have the time to play with the template but when you have 1 day to rig plot and do the show this option wasnt possible. I did prep this before the gig but with no fixture or WYG in front of me I was stuck :(


    [edited by: cknapper at 5:23 AM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jul 21 2008]
  • Hello

    I have got the same problem in concert when I use a lot of shortcut with junior swap direct selects to fader, hit Focus to choose focus palette... and sometimes, faders wings don't work or sometimes console key don't works but faders are ok, so now I do Ctrl S to save from keyboard, I never lost keyboard and mouse, then Alt X to exit and start again the last show, you need just 10 secondes unplug DMX before restart and go back to the state that you have got on stage before plug DMX again. You needn't restart console, only sofware. It is the quicker way for me.

  • Hi,

    It sounds like you might have been able to fool the software into believing that there is a button pressed. (This can happen in rare cases if you use some special shortcuts or key combinations.) Then all following commands will be treated as shortcuts combined with the "pressed" button.

    If the console appears to be locked in this way, you can always press ESC to tell the console to release all pressed buttons. There should be no need to restart the console in this case.

    If you find a special action that causes a button block like this and let us know about it, we can eliminate it in a future software version. 

  • Hi,

    It sounds like you might have been able to fool the software into believing that there is a button pressed. (This can happen in rare cases if you use some special shortcuts or key combinations.) Then all following commands will be treated as shortcuts combined with the "pressed" button.

    If the console appears to be locked in this way, you can always press ESC to tell the console to release all pressed buttons. There should be no need to restart the console in this case.

    If you find a special action that causes a button block like this and let us know about it, we can eliminate it in a future software version. 

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