V5 networking problem.

I'm trying to set up a network with our Congo Jnr and Congo Client. On the console, in system settings under the network tab there is no entry under ip, or subnet mask. Use DHCP is not checked. If I enter an IP and subnet, it's only stays until I exit the system settings. No combination of restarting or going into the client actually gets the ip to stay in the box, it always goes blank. The adapter is never shown as online, even though the link light on the port is on. I'm not sure how to trouble shoot this. For testing purposes I'm simply connecting the console and a laptop to a switch. I know the network on the console has worked in the past as I've had it running a media server via ArtNet, but not for over a year.

Anyone offer any help?



  • Hi  

    First, please check the following.
    ・ System Settin/Protocols/ Check ETCNet2
    ・ System Settin/Protocols/ Check Avab IPX( Congo & CongoJr same Logical network No.)
    Ok here.
    It goes into a system setting again from a welcome screen.
    ・IP Setting / select 10.X.X.X (Congo & CongoJr different IP address.)
                     SubnetMask Congo & CongoJr same )
    Ok here.

    Now, I think that a network is connected.

     Best regards,


  • Thanks Kani,

    I've folowed your suggestions, but no change. I think the real problem is that the network does not want to go "online", I've tried different cables an switches, and the link lights on both the switch an back of the console illuminate, but the network tab in system settings always shows it offline.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous in reply to richard_cooper

    Hi Richard,

    The PC you are using for the Client; has it been used as a client before?  If not you may want to check that the Hasp drivers are installed so the software can recognize the dongle.

    Also, to clarify, is the IP / DCHP issue on the Congo Jr, PC or Both?



  • Victoria,

    The laptop has not been used for Client before, but I'm fairly sure that the HASP drivers are installed. Is there a way of checking the software recognises the dongle? Strangely the client software sometimes starts up to the welcome screen, but sometimes starts directly as a server,

    The IP issue (there is no DHCP server) is only on the Congo Jr. I'm assuming that the "network adapter" line in the network tab of the system settings should change to "online" when a network is attached, but it does not.


  • Victoria,

    The laptop has not been used for Client before, but I'm fairly sure that the HASP drivers are installed. Is there a way of checking the software recognises the dongle? Strangely the client software sometimes starts up to the welcome screen, but sometimes starts directly as a server,

    The IP issue (there is no DHCP server) is only on the Congo Jr. I'm assuming that the "network adapter" line in the network tab of the system settings should change to "online" when a network is attached, but it does not.


  • OK an update after playing around a bit, I've got the network back on the Congo Jnr, not entirely sure how, but it's now online with an IP address. Now I have a problem with the client laptop.

    When I first start the laptop and click "start congo" in the Start menu congo starts straight up as a backup server, which appears in network nodes on the Congo jr, and I'm able to fetch plays, and seem to be able to switch to being a server & back again. If I quit and run congo again I get to the welcome screen which has the option to start as a client, if I select this then I just get a blank congo screen with an hour glass at the top. Nothing more happens and I have to restart the machine. During this the laptop appears on the console network nodes list as "Congo: not running"

    Any ideas about this new problem?


  • The first issue with the Client sounds like the "Bypass Startup Screen" option has been ticked.

    The second issue sounds like you may have slightly different versions of Congo software on the Congo Jr and the Client. They have to be completely identical to properly connect.

    This might have happened because when Congo v5 was first released, we accidentally posted to the website for a few days before we spotted the mistake - the real version for v5 was

    If the Client is running v5 build 40 and the Congo Jr is running v5 build 42, then bad things can happen - they'll refuse to try if the first 3 digits are different, but if the only difference is build number it'll give it a go, and possibly fail.

    Last week we released v5.0.1, so it's probably worth upgrading both console and Client to this version and then trying again.

    If your Client is still jumping straight into Congo after doing the above, give your local Tech Services a call.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:05 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 29 2008] [edited by: Richard at 4:05 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 29 2008] [edited by: Richard at 4:04 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 29 2008]
  • Thanks,

    I don't think that "Bypass startup screen" has been checked, as there is no backup tab in the system settings on the laptop. Also, it is only the first time Congo is run that it misses the startup screen. Just to be clear, when it does this it joins the network as a backup server. I I start the laptop with no network connected, when I run Congo it starts as an actual server.

    The two machines are the same version, I've installed 5.0.1 from the same download on both machines to be sure.

    Victoria is looking at the dongle number, but if that's not it I'll be in touch.


