Hints and tips for new effects enigine

Thought I would start a forum on hints and tips for you to give now we have had time to play with the new effects package,

I'll start with a few

  • If you want to have a ripple effect before I had to run a rotating go-bo behind a static one at the same speed, but now just do a effect with index and slip i a few VALUE numbers and watch the ripple go slow to fast and different directions instead of the baring one way same speed effect.
  • I love to use the Iris in and out chase so I've set up 2 beam palette open close and I can play with these now instead of the ones pre-programmed in your mover
  • Scroller gel chases are so much faster now I can select a frame in VALUE instead of doing 30 steps......
  • The added Dyn effects added are great, I love the new CMY one you put in loads of time saved.
  • Spend the time to do loads of groups, Remember how you input your channels is how the effect will run, I do outer/inner, Bar be Bar............. (I know you can change this but make you own up)

Any more tips, I'm not asking you to give your LD secrets away,h but just tips if you want to share these.



[edited by: cknapper at 2:54 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Aug 10 2008]