V5 Offline error loading on PC


Can't seem to load congo offline onto my PC - no network issue at this stage - I get the startup screen but when I click the offline start button I get :


Microsoft Visual C ++ Runtime Library

Runtime error!


This program has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusaul way.

Please contact the application's support team for more information


I have googled, but have not found anyone with this sort of error.


  • The .NET libraries are only used for the online help function, and it's possible to turn that off.

    To do that, you need to add the switch '/NOHELP' to the shortcut - make a copy of the shortcut to Congo, open it's properties and where it says something like 'C:\Congo\Congo.exe', add a space and '/NOHELP' at the end - keep the first part the same.

    Accept the change and try using that link instead. If that fixes it, then the problem is your Microsoft .NET installation.

    Unfortunately I don't know a repeatable way to fix that, as it's a Microsoft program.

  • Richard:

    The .NET libraries are only used for the online help function, and it's possible to turn that off.

    To do that, you need to add the switch '/NOHELP' to the shortcut - make a copy of the shortcut to Congo, open it's properties and where it says something like 'C:\Congo\Congo.exe', add a space and '/NOHELP' at the end - keep the first part the same.

    Accept the change and try using that link instead. If that fixes it, then the problem is your Microsoft .NET installation.

    Unfortunately I don't know a repeatable way to fix that, as it's a Microsoft program.


    Will try this when I get back to work next Friday.

  • Richard:

    The .NET libraries are only used for the online help function, and it's possible to turn that off.

    To do that, you need to add the switch '/NOHELP' to the shortcut - make a copy of the shortcut to Congo, open it's properties and where it says something like 'C:\Congo\Congo.exe', add a space and '/NOHELP' at the end - keep the first part the same.

    Accept the change and try using that link instead. If that fixes it, then the problem is your Microsoft .NET installation.

    Unfortunately I don't know a repeatable way to fix that, as it's a Microsoft program.


    Will try this when I get back to work next Friday.

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