colour change on a button?


I have a live quiz show coming up, the 7 punters are each lit with a VL1000. When someone gets the wrong answer the lamp needs to change to red - instantly. Not enough in the budget for fancy midi signals from scoring position just me and a finger (shaky by this time). The lamps do not have to move but I suspect the red will have to return to o/white after a time. My thoughts were to have the colour info stored in a sub and just push it to full to get the red but my efforts thus far have not worked.

Any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation



  • Hi John,

    First of all you need to switch Rubberband on return ON !!!!

    Record all your 7 movers seprate onto a preset 1 to 7 and have these Mask PB but not colour. (remember to only have the fixture highlighted in live screen to record just this fixture)

    Then insert these in to a master, when you put it to full red comes in fast as you pull fader to full, then return the fader as slow as you like to return to white, if you need it to stay red leave the fader at full.

    Delete any ATT you dont need if you have recorded these by mistake in the presset page.

     Hope this helps


  • Hi John,

    First of all you need to switch Rubber-band on return ON !!!!

    Record all your 7 movers separate onto a preset 1 to 7 and have these Mask PB but not colour. (remember to only have the fixture highlighted in live screen to record just this fixture)

    Then insert these in to a master, when you put it to full red comes in fast as you pull fader to full, then return the fader as slow as you like to return to white, if you need it to stay red leave the fader at full.

    Delete any ATT you don't need if you have recorded these by mistake in the preset page.

     Hope this helps

