track attributes

Is there a way to quickly open all attributes in the Track tab?  I find that I frequently go into and quickly hit focus, color, and beam, which on top of being three keystrokes has sometimes crashed the console I think just because I'm asking it to do too many things at once.  It seems that in Congo logic, I should be able to hit Palette in Track to open all attributes, but that doesn't work. 





  • Hi Mark,

    Sorry to say that there is no other way to expand all the attributes. It could be handy to have this kind of shortcut and it would probably be Format & Attribute instead of Format & Palette. But both could work in Congo's logic.

    Part of the reason why we don't have these syntaxes is that the Tracklist is limited to show only about 30 columns at a time. This is because of performance issues to be on the safe side. Potentially you could otherwise create a huge huge list when expanding the attributes columns. Imagine 30 devices with 30 attributes show at once. That would be 900 colums..
    It's easier to expand all attributes for one device, then step thru all the devices you want to see individually. I would say that most of the time you are looking at only one device at time in the tracklist or only one parameter of multiple devices. Correct?

    I haven't seen any crashes with this function. When did you experience the crashes? In which software version? I often press Format & Focus, Color, Beam and open all parameter groups at once and have had no problems with stability.


  • You are correct that most of the time I am looking at one device at a time.  Sometimes I will look at a small number of devices at the same time (2 or 3) and I believe these are the times that it crashed.  It has only happened probably 2 times out of the hundreds that I have done in over the past few weeks, and we are running v5.0.  I can't particularly recall anything different about those times to cause the crash. 


    Also, I find that I frequently go in to remove changed values from a particular device and most of the time I'm removing all attributes, but have to arrow across to each column to delete each attribute one by one.  Is there any way to highlight the whole row and then delete all the arrtibutes at once?



  • Hi Mark,

    If there is a full coloum you need to delete then hit coloum, if there is a line or group, Hold select and use the arrow keys to highlight what you want to remove.



  • Hi guys,

    Carl is right about selecting multiple cells... But, unfortunatley it is not possible to delete multiple parameter values at once in the Tracklist. This is a limitation that will hopefully be removed in the future.

    Mark, could you copy the log files from your Congo and send them to if you already haven't, so we can analyse the problem and try to fix it. More info about sending the crash info to us:

  • Hi Mark,

    In reply to you question if there is an easier way to delete all parameters from a device. While in the Tracklist you could move over to the Devices column (which shows how many devices have data stored in that preset) and press Modify. This will open the Preset Attribute Editor for that preset, in there you can navigate to the device you wish to delete from the preset and while in the Device column press Delete and you will be given a promt about deleting all attributes for the selected channel. This would be an easier and faster way to delete all the attributes and also gives you a complete overview of what attributs exists in that preset.

    Tracklist is good for seeing one or a few devices thru the whole sequence and Preset Attribute Editor is good for seeing what is stored into a give preset.

    Hope this helps,


    [edited by: okrogell at 3:48 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Aug 29 2008]
  • Thanks for this does help.  However, here is an overview of further issues of mine with this:

    • when opening the preset attribute editor, you lose the ability to see the intensity values and also the attribute values of the previous and following presets, so deleting attributes there makes me more nervous then doing it in the Track tab.  Ideally there would be a way to delete all atributes from there where you can see how they relate to the rest of the cue stack.

    • when deleting a device from the preset attribute editor, it only removes the values, not the actual device, until you close the tab and reopen it, at which point the device is gone.  it seems like if you are deleting the device it should go away then.

    • if you hit "Column" in the preset attribute editor and then hit delete, it only deletes the top device from the preset rather than all that is selected.

    • elminating all attributes from Track doesn't elminate the device from that preset, so it is necessary to go into the preset attribute editor to delete the device.  it seems like once all attributes are gone, the device should be eliminated from the preset, rather than it being there and storing blank values.

    • if you are looking at attributes of one device in Track, and then change your selection to a device that has different attributes (going from a wash unit to a unit with template wheels for example) the attributes that are different do not appear until you have closed those columns and reopened them again.  it seems like it would be intuitive enough to know that it was selecting a different device that had different attributes.




