Robe DigitalSpot 3000 DT + Congo Dimmer

Hi All,


I would like to make all dimmable channels of Robe DigitalSpot 3000 DT to be controlled by:

 - Dimmer roll

 - Grand Master fader

 - Blackout button


There are few dimmable channels in DigitalSpot 3000 DT:

- 17 - LED Dimmer

- 53 - Gobo Layer 1 Dimmer

- 81 - Gobo Layer 2 Dimmer

- 109 - Gobo Layer 3 Dimmer


Any Ideas ;-) ?




  • Hi Adam -

    Only Intensity is controlled by the GM and Blackout. I'm assuming this is a multi-layer digital light, so the way to do this is to patch each layer as it's own channel. This is how things like media servers and the High End DL-3 fixture are controlled in Congo. Then each layer or component can have its own intensity parameter.

    Does that help?

    Thanks -


  • TheRobe DigitalSpot 3000DT should be patched as several different devices, in a similar way to how the High End DL2, Arkaos and the other media servers are handled.

    I think it breaks down into the following parts:

    1. Moving Module with LED wash - first 27 attributes
      • Pan/Tilt/Macro/Power/Video Input/LEDs/Keystone
    2. "Common effects for all gobo layers"
    3. Gobo Layer
      • Each Gobo Layer is identical, so you only need to build this once and patch three of them sequentially.

    When patching this, patch each section sequentially.

    - You could merge the "common effects" (Section 2) into the Moving Module (Section 1), but I think it's probably easier to control if they are seperated, as it keeps the CMY projector and RGBW washlight colour mixing apart.

    [edited by: Richard at 1:33 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Sep 03 2008] [edited by: Richard at 1:34 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Sep 02 2008]
  • Thanks Sarah, thanks Richard, I will practice it tomorrow ;-)


  • Dear All,

    I’ve ordered Robe 7000dt, and basically I consider myself as an intermediate user. However, I’m trying to control the fixture via WWW browser by Artnet communication protocols, direct connection between the fixture and my laptop, but not able to access the fixture. Please can you help me and share with me the required steps to approach that.

    I will highly appreciate your professional advices and support.


  • Howdy Nawaf,

    it sounds like you are trying to connect to the Robe fixture from your laptop and not from a console.

    This forum discusses usage of the lighting console Congo from ETC.

    What software are you using? ETC doesn't have any software that will allow a laptop to control

    moving lights by itself.

    How are you connecting your laptop to the Robe? Via USB and DMX? or ?


    [edited by: corey at 10:55 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jan 11 2009]
  • Hi All,

    I've recently made templates for the Robe DT3000, DT5000 and DT7000 for Congo. These are included in the Standard Library in the upcoming v5.1.0 release. If you want to have these templates before v5.1 is released, let me know and I will post a Congo showfile with them here.

