Congo + DigitalSpot 3000 DT - How to control?

Device has common channels like: Pan, tilt, C, M, Y, ...


3 Layers, where there are the same 28 channels for each layer.

Have You got any ideas how to control such device from Congo. Storing each parameters under BEAM attribute group makes, there are over 90 attributes in Beam group ;-o It is a mess especially in Congo we can't select beam page by its number ;-/

Seems maybe U1, U2, U3 to use for each Layer? But there are only 3 pages for each U button, and each DigitalSpot Layer has 28 channels. Any Ideas to control this 136 channels device from CONGO?


  • When controlling other types of media servers with multiple layers, you normally create a device for each layer. This makes it convenient to control multiple layers together by just selecting the different device channels. Also, you don't have to create all the duplicated layer parameters. As the Ux pages together can hold 36 parameters (3x4x3), this should work.
  • When controlling other types of media servers with multiple layers, you normally create a device for each layer. This makes it convenient to control multiple layers together by just selecting the different device channels. Also, you don't have to create all the duplicated layer parameters. As the Ux pages together can hold 36 parameters (3x4x3), this should work.