Accessing Congo Windows Background in V5

I am trying to access the windows background/windows explorer in the new V5 Congo Software which was possible in the previous versions of the Congo software through advanced settings.  There does not seem to be a way to do that with V5.  Anyone have any idea on how to do this in V5?



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  • Hi Sarah,

    I have made a  file on the congo with the layout and patch of my theatre's house lighting rig.  The theatre is a university theatre and the lighting console is used by many different students and outside users each week. It is what we call our system reset file and to avoid it being recorded over and altered I have made it a read only file so that users are forced to "save as" instead of just saving over the file which would mean the original file on the hardrive being lost.  There may be times however where I may have to make changes to this file and need to temporarily disable the read only option which, it seems, I can only do by browsing the files through windows.  Also, I can't seem to delete folders containing numerous play files within the Congo browser.  Hope that all makes sense.



