Changing Dyn Effects

Hi all, OK I know how to insert a new Dyn effect thats no problem. The question for today is I've got a Dyn for a Mexican wave effect (thats up and down TILT but evenly spread) because we have 3 venues my movers are in different positions. This week most of my movers are hung on the vertical so I need to swap pan to tilt to get my effects.

OK you with me up to now, I go into the editor and all I see is 1-20 I guest these are my 20 movers but how do I know what unit ???? is. so I can change the parameters in this or is it guest work.

Would it be easier to re-record a new one but size and speed are perfect :(



P.S when is 4.3 on the net to download.


[edited by: cknapper at 10:50 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 04 2007]
  • Hi Carl -

    I'm assuming you are seeing channels 1-20 in the Live Dynamics tab - these correspond to the fixtures in your patch. If channel 5 needs to be swapped, then you can change the settings for that channel in the Device Settings tab. Make sense?

    If you get the dynamic running exactly the way you want, you can select the channels running that dynamic and then open the Effects Library and use INSERT to make a new template from that running dynamic. This template will capture all the adjustments you made live so that when you apply it to new channels, the size and rate and offsets are all the same. Give that a try...

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    Thanks I knew about swapping pan and Tilt in the Device settings and forgot to do this at the start !!!!!!!! (lesson learnt) but all was going well with focus groups and everything until I run a Dyn. I don't really want to swap pan / tilt and then re do all my focus pallets again just wondered if there was a way in doing this in the Dyn Editor.

    I open the library and then double click on my Mexican wave effects this then opens the editor for this effect. The first column I see is Ch.index 1-20 each having pan and tilt to what I set them as for my original effect. Can you see what channel is in what Ch. index????


    [edited by: cknapper at 12:48 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 04 2007]
  • Hi Carl.

    The channel index is like a channel offset in the Dynamic effect. This is what makes it possible to use one effect for any selected channels, and not just the channels it was "created" with. The channel index is not directly connected with the channel number (that is untill you start the effect). Number 1 in your channel index is the first light in your selection and 20 is the 20th light in the selection and so on. Make sence.

    If I understand you correctly you want to put the Tilt movement on Pan (and/or vice versa). What you should be able to do is go into the Dynamic Effect (Library) Editor and change the Parameter in the library from Tilt to Pan (or vice versa).
    This will however not update your existing effects, at least I think so... So you would still need to replace the existing ones with the updated one.

    Hope this works and answers yor question.

    All best,

    Oskar :o)
  • Hi Carl.

    The channel index is like a channel offset in the Dynamic effect. This is what makes it possible to use one effect for any selected channels, and not just the channels it was "created" with. The channel index is not directly connected with the channel number (that is untill you start the effect). Number 1 in your channel index is the first light in your selection and 20 is the 20th light in the selection and so on. Make sence.

    If I understand you correctly you want to put the Tilt movement on Pan (and/or vice versa). What you should be able to do is go into the Dynamic Effect (Library) Editor and change the Parameter in the library from Tilt to Pan (or vice versa).
    This will however not update your existing effects, at least I think so... So you would still need to replace the existing ones with the updated one.

    Hope this works and answers yor question.

    All best,

    Oskar :o)
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