save show and backup at the same time

Hi to all...

My name is Stephan, I am from Geneva, Switzerland. I am a congo user since a year, and i've just discovered this forum. This is just GREAT! Sharing infos, tips, and most of all being able to speak with ETC developping crew members and programmers is just fantastic. Great job Sarah and Co!

First, i've always been an AVAB user, so thanx to ETC to have kept AVAB's philosophy in Congo. Second, thanx for developping Congo offline for Mac.

So here's my first question :

Is there a way - or will it be - to save and backup your play at the same time? I explain : when i work on a play I try to always keep it up-to-date on the Congo's HD and on my USB Memory as well. But I think it is kinda tricky to save it first on the HD, then save it on the USB, because then i have to reload my play from the HD, because at this time the "save" location is on my USB... which could not to be plugged-in in case i hae to restart the board. so when i save my play for the first time, I wish I could choose a second directory so Congo would save on both locations. Or it could just be a checkbox in setup like "Backup on USB" and then Congo would automatically create a play/file with the same name on my USB memory.

So would a "save and backup" feature be helpful for anyone?

I hope you'll understand my post (I'm a french speaking guy !)

Happy eastern to all of you
