Congo v4.3.0 Now Available for Download

ETC is pleased to announce the release of Congo™ v4.3.0 software for the Congo and Congo jr lighting control consoles! This release is designed to provide mainly system features, but many small improvements have been made across the board. The details of the release may be read in the Release Note, available for download from the ETC Web site. Both the software and the release note may be found at

Customers using Congo Offline Editor and/or Congo Client PCs should use this installer to update those computers as well.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR CONGO JR OWNERS: We have found a flaw in the DMX driver circuit in the Congo jr I/O circuit board. This flaw is easily remedied by updating the firmware on that circuit board, which is also available for download from the ETC Web site free of charge. It is recommended that all Congo jr consoles in the field be updated as soon as possible. If you have any questions or encounter any problems with the update process, please contact ETC Technical Services.

The major improvements in v4.3.0 are described below:

1) Multi-User Operation: Congo now supports consoles as Clients to other consoles and the old concept of Pronto "Channel Mask" has reappeared as "Partitioned Control". A Partition is a definition of channels or channel parts that a specific username may control in a multi-user system. Login has been moved to within the main Congo application so that users may log in as different names more easily (you won't have to exit Congo to re-log in). Each user may have a default partition, but may also be allowed access to other partitions if desired. Clients may all record into the play file on the Server, and systems may have a Server console, Backup console and up to 5 additional clients online. Additionally, the Client's behavior has been improved if connection to the main server has been lost.

2) Streaming ACN: This is a new lightweight single-direction protocol used to transmit whole DMX universes over an ACN network. Streaming ACN requires only that the Congo Output universe be mapped to the desired Streaming ACN universe to work. A new setup function has been added to allow this mapping.

3) Alert Times: Congo can learn the time between presses of the Go button and provide a beep thereafter to warn the operator of an upcoming cue. Additionally, wait, followon and
alert (WFA) times can now be set by step in a sequence.

4) "Expert Groups" have been removed: The presets in the 900s range have been turned back into normal presets. When Avab Expert plays are imported into Congo, any Expert Groups will be transferred to Congo Groups of the same number. This frees up channels and presets in the 900s for normal use in Congo.

5) New Attribute Recording setting - "Record if Active": A new attribute recording setting has been created. When activated, this setting causes all attributes ONLY for channels with intensity above zero to be included when a Preset is recorded. Channels with no intensity will not be recorded. BE AWARE: If you update a preset, channels without intensity may be updated OUT of this preset, so please be careful when using this setting with existing plays or presets with marked channels. To mark a channel in another preset, you will need to use RECORD & ATTRIB because the dialog asking if you want to include dark channels will not be displayed in this mode.

6) New Format for the Playback Tab: This new format contains dedicated columns for the information found on each step. The old format remains available and is now referred to as the "packed format" for Playback. Formats may be changed in this view using FORMAT & LEFT or RIGHT ARROW.

7) New "Modify Time" dialog: this dialog used to be limited to the current step in the main playback. It may now be used to adjust timing for any step in the sequence on the main playback using the syntax # MODIFY & TIME. It also contains either direct editing cells or buttons linking to specific editors for all the timing in that step.

8) Congo Offline Editor now runs in a standard Windows frame: this makes it possible for the application to run on lower spec computers, and it makes it possible to use and see other applications at the same time Congo Offline Editor is running. The number of windows that open will be determined by the number of displays currently connected to the PC (so if you have two monitors connected, you will get two Congo windows).

9) The Congo Radio Remote Focus Unit base receiver unit has been changed to a USB connector from the old 6-pin XLR. This will make the cRRFU compatible with the Congo and the Congo jr consoles. This version of the cRRFU is only compatible with consoles running v4.3.0 software and above.