Graphics Hardware for client machine.

I'm going to use a fairly recent desktop machine to run congo client on. I'd ideally like to have two screens, but I've read the warning about having a card that supports OpenGL on both screens. On my laptop (some Intel integrated chipset) I can only get one screen to work, the other is just black.

Does anyone have a recomendation for a low(ish) cost graphics card that will support two screens for congo?



  • We have had pretty good luck with NVidia graphics cards that support OpenGL (Most modern NVidia cards do, I believe). Generally desktop cards are much better than laptop cards as they are less restricted on how much power they consume.

    If you want to test your card in advance, there are several programs out there that test OpenGL support. A quick google search for 'OpenGL Test' or 'OpenGL Benchmark' reveals many free options.


  • We have had pretty good luck with NVidia graphics cards that support OpenGL (Most modern NVidia cards do, I believe). Generally desktop cards are much better than laptop cards as they are less restricted on how much power they consume.

    If you want to test your card in advance, there are several programs out there that test OpenGL support. A quick google search for 'OpenGL Test' or 'OpenGL Benchmark' reveals many free options.


  • Pretty much anything nVidia from a GeForce 6600 upwards should work.

    I am currently using an nVidia GeForce 6800 at home and it runs fine (at rather ludicrously high screen resolutions as well...) - I think it cost me about £120 last year.

    ATI and Intel have very limited OpenGL support unfortunately - it's also quite hard to get published specs for OpenGL compatibility.
