Congo client/off line install problem

I've just put together a machine to run client on and have run into a bit of a problem. Te machine has all the latest drivers installed and windows (XP Home) is fully up to date. The only software installed is the latest congo version. I have when installing congo I get a message saying "Microsoft .NET assembly Registration utility encountered a problem and needs to close" the installer then continues to the end. When I run congo without the dongle installed I get to the welcome screen, but selecting offline causes a congo application error. When the dongle is installed I get an error straight away, without getting to the welcome screen.

I've tried the latest .NET updater (3.5 SP1 i believe).

Any ideas? 

  • Hi there -

    While we don't think there should be any problem using XP Home edition, we usually recommend XP Pro for this application. A few things come to mind - 

    1) Try downloading the installer again and uninstalling, then reinstalling Congo on this machine. It's possible that there was something bad in the download that caused the error, and subsequent problems you saw.

    2) If you transferred this installer to this machine using a USB stick, you might try reformatting that stick or using another one to transfer the file. I have seen USB sticks corrupt files in the past.

    If neither of these help, please let us know.

    Thanks -



  • Thanks Sarah,

    XP Home was just what I had a available to me at the time. 

    The above steps did not work. I'm going to try reinstalling windows, as I rather rushed it. I have it working on a laptop with XP home, so it should be possible.

    Is there a list of requirements for Congo, such as .NET, C++ runtimes etc?


  • OK I've reinstalled windows from scratch and literally only installed SP2 the motherboard drivers, the latest NVIDIA drivers, and Congo and I'm getting the same thing. I'll email the dump file to the usual address.





  • That sounds like the Microsoft dot NET installation on your PC has died horribly - unfortunately I have no idea how to fix that as .NET can fail in a wide variety of spectacular fashions.

    The good news is that Congo only uses .NET for the help files, so you can try using the "/NOHELP" command-line switch when starting Congo.

    To see if that works, you can try Start > Run > "C:\Congo\Congo.exe /NOHELP" and click OK.

    If that fixes the problem, you can add /NOHELP to the "Target" box in the shortcut properties to always run Congo this way.

  • Ahh, I've got it working now another way. I downloaded version 4.3 and installed that, which worked fine, then installed the latest version which installed without the previous error, and this version seems to work fine as well! Now to test it with two screens, which was my original plan....

    Thanks for looking. 

