Output editor bug

We've discovered a bug that is causing us a lot of trouble.

When using any of the output editors, either the output editor or choosing a universe, the console flashes and drops out some outputs.  The flashes to full are less of a problem unless you're trying to make changes during a performance for some reason and this is pretty rare.  However, the flashing to zero is disrupting our moving lights.  We have them on a DMX relay box to supply power and when the outputs flash to zero the fixtures loose power for a moment and re-home and often can't hot re-strike their lamps.

Also we discovered that the control functions for cyber lights don't work and and the control functions for technobeams don't include the necessary step of closing the strobe so you still have a pretty awkward time lamping on or off.


  • Hi Mat -

    This is the second report we have had of this output editor "blink" however we are having a hard time replicating it in the lab. Could you tell me which software version you are using (I'm guessing v5.0.1) and which output protocols you have enabled (I'm guessing you are using ETCNet2)? Also, does this tend to happen only during playback in a rehearsal or do you see it happen other times as well? Can you think of any playback scenarios where you know you've seen it happen? Like during a crossfade or while an effect is running, that sort of thing?

    Regarding the Cybers and Technobeams - I'm assuming here that you're talking about the lamp controls in Congo, correct? All the lamp control keys do is set a parameter with a corresponding range value (named Idle, Reset, Lamp On or Lamp Off) to that value. They are not designed to perform any kind of macro functions like holding a value for a specific time and returning it to zero. For fixtures with more complicated strike or reset commands, you may have to make a macro or take those other settings into account when using the lamp control shortcuts. Perhaps, though, you could try adding a range value to the strobe channel that corresponds to the Lamp On and Lamp Off controls and see if that works? If so, let me know and I'll see if we can get the template updated...

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    Some more info on the output "blink".

    We are:
    Software version:
    Console firmware version:
    IO firmware version:

    Net2 (Priority: 1)

    We are also using a file server.

    We see the problem whenever we are arrowing to different cells in the output editor or one of the output universes.  It does not happen if we are patching by channel.  We have seen it across multiple show files.  We aren't seeing it during playback that we're noticing but we'll keep an eye out for it.  I doubt it matters but we do start our shows from Lightwright ASCII files so as not to type in the patch.  We open the ASCII patch because we can't import it.  I'm guessing this is because Lightwright is leaving out some header info that Congo uses?


    I'll let you know if I make any progress with the Cybers and Tbeams.


  • Hi Mat -

    We've replicated the blink in the lab and it has nothing to do with your specific show files or the way you are patching. It appears to be a problem with the way the patch views are interacting with the ETCNet2 protocols. We are looking for a way to fix it and I am hopeful that we can have it sorted out in the next version (v5.1).   Thanks for the detailed info - we will get a fix for it as soon as we can.



  • Hi Mat -

    We've replicated the blink in the lab and it has nothing to do with your specific show files or the way you are patching. It appears to be a problem with the way the patch views are interacting with the ETCNet2 protocols. We are looking for a way to fix it and I am hopeful that we can have it sorted out in the next version (v5.1).   Thanks for the detailed info - we will get a fix for it as soon as we can.


