Loosing data in Effect Engine V5

I have the following problem:

After a new start of the console (congo jr)  and loading an existing show, there is missing data in the Effect-Playbacks.

All data as group (ch/gr) and size / rate is lost.

The effects-playbacks are still existing as well as the other "content".

Is this the idea of the concept , a bug or my operating problem...


=> the same probleme with the effects on the faders (wing). They are still existing, but without channel and level information.

  • Hi Daniel

    I've got the same problem some time ago and what I do is after make the effect (with dynamics) I record a pallete with that effect. So every time I restart the Congo console all I've got to do is recall that pallete and everything is there.

    I work with the effects almost like a moving device.

  • Hi Daniel

    I've got the same problem some time ago and what I do is after make the effect (with dynamics) I record a pallete with that effect. So every time I restart the Congo console all I've got to do is recall that pallete and everything is there.

    I work with the effects almost like a moving device.

  • You might want to check out this thread: http://community.etcconnect.com/forums/thread/9426.aspx .  Especially Sarah's reply, it explains how effects work just like a moving device.  Every time you turn on the board, the effect playback "homes" back to its original state.  If you record the effect into a preset or, like Pedro said, into a pallete, the effect information will always be there.

    J. R. Lidgett
    Salina Community Theatre

  • This isn't a "problem" - it's because of the way V5 Effects work.

    An Effect Playback is basically a moving light - so you control it the same way.

    The key thing to remember is that the Effect Playback is not the effect itself - it's where you choose who should do the effect, what they should do and how fast!

    The effect you see on stage is created by setting the attributes of an Effect Playback to particular values - if you want to get those same values back later, you've got to record them somewhere. Otherwise they'll go back to Home later on. (You could record a different Home value for them if you want...)

    This makes them much easier to handle because you can adjust the attributes 'on-the-fly' and use the same techniques as you do when handling your moving lights.

    However, it also means you need to stop thinking of the effect playbacks as "Ballyhoo", "Circle" or whatever individual effect happens to be there right now, because it doesn't have to be. You can even do crazy things like jump straight from running one effect into a completely different one...

    Some of these new options are really exciting, but it's going to take a while before we properly understand the ramifications of what's now become possible!

    (This is why I love the new effects engine.)

  • Thank you for your feedback!

    This is the reason why the syntax" # EFFECT + # MASTER" don' t work!?!
    It's possible with the syntax "# EFFECT => CH + # MASTER" and that's the thing you are effectifly doing!


    [edited by: Daniel Tschanz at 4:17 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Oct 21 2008]
  • By contrast of "# CH +# MASTER", the syntax # EFFECT => CH + # MASTER" works only when the effects has a level...

  • Daniel Tschanz:
    This is the reason why the syntax" # EFFECT + # MASTER" don' t work!?!
    Actually, that's because we forgot to add it.

    *red face*
