Help needed On V5 dynamics

i have a show starting at 7:30 tonight can anyone give me a quick idea on how to record the built in moving head dynamics either onto the palletts or onto submasters would be much appreciated.


  • Hi there -

    Please see my reply at the end of this thread - there's an overview and tutorial document covering the v5 effects concept and how to make all three types of effect. This should get you started... If you have more questions, please feel free to post them here. 


    Thanks -


  • its ok i sorta worked it out but then bloody macs started playing up. do miss having the dynamics on the pallett for quick wingings of shows (hint hint) for V5.1 lol
  • There is way to do a "quick winging" with the old style dynamics.  You can still load dynamics on Masters (press # Dyn Effect & Master). Select your channel, hit the master key, then adjust the rates as before in the Effects->Dynamics subscreen.  I do like the new effects and way of dynamics for recording presets and running shows, but to quickly have a group of channels do a chase or some MLs change colors, the "old" dynamics were much quicker for on the fly shows.


  • There is way to do a "quick winging" with the old style dynamics.  You can still load dynamics on Masters (press # Dyn Effect & Master). Select your channel, hit the master key, then adjust the rates as before in the Effects->Dynamics subscreen.  I do like the new effects and way of dynamics for recording presets and running shows, but to quickly have a group of channels do a chase or some MLs change colors, the "old" dynamics were much quicker for on the fly shows.


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