Screens not refreshing

We're having some refreshing problems in the Live Effects window and the Live Attributes window.  Sometimes when you tab away from either the effects or attributes window when you tab back to them they will be missing the labels for the device/effect.  The left hand side of the screen is blank where the labels should be.  It also seems that some of the effect attributes aren't refreshing properly but it's hard to tell with the labels missing.  If we close the window and re-open it things seem to be right again.


  • I haven't heard about anything simular before. Would it be possible for you to take a photo of the screen when it happens and send to me? This might help understanding why it happens.

    Which software version are you running?


  • I've now been able to recreate this.  With the Live and Live Attributes screens split vertically go to the Live Attrib tab.  Use the arrows to select a box that is off the right side of the screen.  When you arrow back to the left the intensity and channel label column are not displayed.   I can send a photo if you'd still like that. 

    We are:
    Software version:
    Console firmware version:
    IO firmware version:

    Net2 (Priority: 1)

    We are also using a file server.


  • I wasn't able to reproduce this with my show files here. There might be some other factor that is affecting this.

    Do you have a show file that you can send to me where it is visible?

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