Go Back Function on Masters?

I have a second sequence running video cues on my master #20. I know that the Master Button acts as GO, but is there a key combination for GO BACK. For obvious reasons, this is a pretty good thing to know. Right now, if someone jumps the gun, the only way I know to go back is to load sequence #2 into the Main Playback and GO BACK, which screws up sequence #1. It a no-win situation.



  • Hi there - 

    Do you have a Congo or a Congo jr console? If you have a Congo, you can connect the sequence on Master #20 to the center Master Playback controls (hold CONNECT and press the grey master key for master 20)  which will give you go, go back and pause buttons. On a Congo jr you can use the main playback controls as the master playback controls (using the same syntax as above), however you cannot press go on the master and then have any way to press go on the main playback (one of the limitations of the Congo jr hardware).

    At the moment, we don't have a go back control on the actual master - you would need to use the master playback controls. If you know the step or preset number (depending on the goto settings) you can use that to execute a specific step or preset in that sequence though - so if you jump the go on the master, you can type # then MASTER KEY to perform a goto command on that master. Make sense?

    We will be looking at the controls for sequences on masters soon for improvements in a future version, so this may become easier in the coming year. Stay tuned...




