Effects V5 problems


I have a problems whith a new effects in Congo:

When I create a CHASE and DYNAMIC effects and when I put this effects on submasters everything is ok. Everything is working and world is beautifoul : )

BUT when I save show and restart Congo,  my show effects not working very well.

ex. ef. 1 is chase on channels 1 thru 20 when restart console adn open play ef.1 is chase on channels 30 thru 50

ex ef 2 is can can ( dynamic) on group 1 - when I reopen my show ef.2 is circel whithout ane group 

I send a asc file

Now i look on this same show and when I record PRESET 1 , in this preset I record effect 1 (dynamics) and reopen the show, effect on submaster is not working , but when I refresh PLAYBACK  ( my PRESET 1 ) and clear playback submaster whit this effect is working.


sory for my english : )

Thanks for help

[edited by: Michał at 4:12 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Oct 26 2008] [edited by: Michał at 3:38 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Oct 26 2008]
Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Florian. Thx for answer...

    I dont understeand this phikosophy. So why may chase effect is working all the time?

  • Think moving lights. Your intensity level tells the moving light / effect it is at full. Next you set colour/Group number. Then you set all the other parameters of the moving light. If you now save the show and do not record this information for that moving light next time you load the show file all this info is gone.

    That is because moving lights reset to their home position or to default values from the fixture template when you load a show.
    If you now use a new effect and put this Effect on a Masterfader all you do is assigning the 'Intensity' for this effect to this Master. In order to record all the parameters of this effect you need to select this effect and record into a preset [Record]+[Master assign Key]. Remember that you only record what you have selected when you record to a Master.

    If you want two chases runing at the same time you need two chase effects.

    Also for more information have a look here ( http://community.etcconnect.com/forums/permalink/9426/9434/ShowThread.aspx#9434 )

    Hope that helps

