change the rate durning playback

Hi all

I am using Congo jr ver 4.3. Has another ways to change the rate durning playback sequences except using sequences list to change the % of rate?


  • Unfortunately, I'm not completely certain what you mean!

    There are a few ways to change the rate of Sequences on Congo Jr:

    1. If the Sequence is on a Master, then while it is running you can hold [TAP] and hit the Master Key at the required BPM.
    2. If the Sequence is on the Main Playback, then you can hold [TAP] and use the level wheel during a crossfade to adjust crossfade speed - this resets back to programmed after the crossfade.
      • Congo Jr only - Congos use the sprung Rate Wheels
    3. If if mean adjusting timing of cues on the Main Playback, then there are several ways:
      • Use the Time Editor by typing (#) [MODIFY]&[TIME]
      • Directly set timings to A or B by typing in the number of seconds and hitting [TIME], [IN], [OUT], [DELAY]&[IN/OUT]
      • Use the Sequence List to edit the times in a spreadsheet format, where you can select lots of adjacent cells and set them to the same time.
    Does this help?
  • Hi Richard,

    Yes, This is that I mean.  Hold the [TAP] & move the wheel to change the fade rate. Does it only in ver.4.3?

    Thanks a lot !


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