Strange characters when entering texts?

If you suddenly start getting foreign characters (like japanese or chinese) from your keyboard, you may have accidentaly switched keyboard language.

There is a Windows shortcut that switches between the different installed keyboard languages.

If this happens to you, please try to hold down the left Alt button and press the left Shift button. This will move to the next installed language. You may need to repeat this command several times until you get back to the preferred language.

We are thinking about disabling this shortcut in a future version to avoid confusion.

  • If users in the future want to enable multiple keyboard languages on the Congo, will there be a way to enable keyboard switching, or will it only be limited to one keyboard interface? The reason i ask is because i can see a potential important use for keyboard layout switching if you need to switch between US-101 International (Deadkeys) and US-101 because you use specialized characters ie ©, €, æ, etc
  • If users in the future want to enable multiple keyboard languages on the Congo, will there be a way to enable keyboard switching, or will it only be limited to one keyboard interface? The reason i ask is because i can see a potential important use for keyboard layout switching if you need to switch between US-101 International (Deadkeys) and US-101 because you use specialized characters ie ©, €, æ, etc